let the tears be the prayer

In this sixth single, widasroom offers an alternative ballad rhythm influenced by Britpop, reminiscent of Oasis and Suede. The single, titled Let the Tears Be the Prayer, tells the story of emotional struggle, despair, and seeking help from the Almighty. The song was inspired by a verse from the Qur’an which reads, ‘… We are closer to him than his jugular vein (50:16).’

The song was produced by the award-winning producer DJ Sumantri, who has won various AMI Awards and has worked with other Indonesian artists such as Agnes Monica, Cinta Laura, and Glenn Fredly. The song was written by Widi Asmoro, with the help of his regular collaborators Ong Jean Wei and Dwi Yanto Nugroho. The cover of the single is a painting titled A Sad Comedian by a talented young painter, Anzi Matta.

‘At that time, I was in difficulty but had no words to describe my situation. It felt like I wanted to cry. Then I consulted with a counselor from Rumah Remedi, and these words came to me,’ Widi explained about his song. ‘Since I’m not good at memorizing, I made it into a song so I would always remember. And hopefully, for those who listen, it can help remind them that in moments of despair, there is the Almighty who can help!’ he concluded.

widasroom is a music project by Widi Asmoro, currently residing in Singapore. Previously, he was known as part of the indie band Everybody Loves Irene, which toured around Asia in the 2000s. The themes explored in his solo music project revolve around household life, mental health, and the dynamics of life as a migrant worker.

[Bahasa Indonesia]

Dalam single ke-enam ini, widasroom menawarkan musik berirama alternatif ballad dengan pengaruh Britpop layaknya Oasis dan Suede. Di single yang berjudul “let the tears be the prayer”, ia bercerita tentang pergulatan emosi, keputus-asaan dan meminta pertolongan pada Yang Maha Kuasa. Lagu ini terinspirasi dari sebuah ayat dari Al-Quran yang berbunyi, “… Kami lebih dekat kepadanya daripada urat lehernya (50:16).” 

Lagu ini diproduseri oleh produser kampiun DJ Sumantri yang telah mengantongi berbagai penghargaan di AMI Awards dan juga membidani artis-artis Indonesia lain seperti Agnes Monica, Cinta Laura dan Glenn Fredly. Lagu ini ditulis oleh Widi Asmoro dan dibantu oleh kolaborator regulernya Ong Jean Wei dan juga Dwi Yanto Nugroho. Sampul dari single ini adalah sebuah lukisan yang dibuat pelukis muda berbakat, Anzi Matta dan berjudul ‘A Sad Comedian.’

“Waktu itu sedang saya dalam kesulitan namun tidak punya kata-kata untuk melukiskan kondisi saya saat itu. Rasanya seperti mau menangis. Lalu saya berkonsultasi dengan konselor dari Rumah Remedi dan muncullah kata-kata ini,” terang Widi tentang lagunya. “Karena saya orangnya tidak hapalan, saya bikinin lagu aja biar terus ingat. Dan semoga buat yang mendengarkan juga dapat membantu mengingat bila sedang putus asa, ada Yang Maha Kuasa yang dapat membantu!” pungkasnya.

Widasroom adalah proyek musik dari Widi Asmoro yang saat ini berdomisili di Singapura. Sebelumnya ia dikenal sebagai bagian dari band indie Everybody Loves Irene yang sempat berkeliling Asia pada era 2000an. Topik-topik yang diangkat dalam proyek musik solonya adalah seputar kondisi rumah-tangga, kesehatan mental dan juga dinamika kehidupan sebagai pekerja migran.


Writer : Widhi Asmoro, Ong Jean Wei, Dwi Yanto Nugroho

Producer : DJ Sumantri

Mixing & Mastering : Living Room Studio, Jakarta, Indonesia

Album artwork : Anzi Matta

Publisher : 12 Wired

Label : Widasroom

Distributor : Triyakom/The Orchard

Social Media

Website : www.widasroom.com

Instagram : www.instagram.com/widasroom

Twitter : www.twitter.com/widasroom

Facebook : www.facebook.com/widasroom

TikTok : www.tiktok.com/@widasroom 

Pinterest : www.pinterest.com/widasroom 

Assets to download : www.widasroom.com/assets 


Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/sg/artist/widasroom/1513315888

Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/5rvCr3Br1hUQkPvggVqoSC

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCero9xp5_D95XBczfYrhs9A


oh it feels like, 

it’s just too much 

and I don’t know what to do 

seems no one can understand 

hold my hand, and help me to get through 

it’s cold outside 

tears in these eyes 

coming, hear me sing now 

let the tears be the prayer 

for the words can’t be said 

let the tears be the prayer 

for the words can’t be said 

let the tears be the prayer 

for the words can’t be said

let the tears be the prayer ….. 

for the words can’t be said 

suffering in silence 

the world shuts me out 

nothing is easy but 

You’re closer than my jugular vein 

You’re my hope, You’re strong and 

You know too 

let the tears be the prayer 

for the words can’t be said 

let the tears be the prayer 

for the words can’t be said 

let the tears be the prayer 

for the words can’t be said

let the tears be the prayer ….. 

for the words can’t be said 

let the tears 

let the tears 

You’re strong 

You’re strong 

You’re strong

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